Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lessons for Writing an Excellent Subject Line

The ability to craft the kind of email subject lines that are effective is a lucrative skill. No open rates can ever be guaranteed, but you can still make a ton of money with good ones. As long as you are able to focus on the basics and get the foundation building aspect right, you will see results. One thing that you must be aware of is that it is not merely the words in the line that do it because other things come into play. We will illuminate a couple of important points you will need in order to do this properly.

Before you begin writing anything, have your method of madness clearly in mind. One thing to avoid is lacking that goal because it needs to be apparent when they read it. You have to do what is called carrying the conversation with your audience. Also, avoid disconnects between the actual email contents and what you say in your subject line. Another concept is that you also need to train your subscribers to get to know what you do.

Many emails are obviously trying hard to sell something. Many people automatically discard emails that are trying too hard to sell. Don't be in such a hurry to make a sale that you try to accomplish this in your subject line. Use your subject line as a teaser, rather than a hype-filled headline. You really only need to pique the reader's curiosity in the subject line. Once you've got them there, it's your choice if you sell them or presell them.

Lastly, be honest and straightforward with your subject line. You should stay away from dishonest practices such as creating misleading subject lines. Your subject line should match with the content of your email. It will obviously reflect poorly on you if you're not honest in your approach. If your recipients find out that you're trying to cheat them to get them to open your emails, then it's very obvious that you'll lose trust. It's always better to be ethical in your marketing efforts. This might not get a higher open rate, but it will definitely help you get bigger conversions. Conversions are the most important factor anyway. If you want to see how the pros write subject lines, then optin to their email lists and then just wait. Go with confidence that you can achieve this because the opportunities are still there, you just need to apply yourself. Do not worry about your experience level with this because you will improve as you go along. Take action on what you learned in the above article, and you'll slowly improve on your own email marketing skills. Nothing motivates like success, but you have to get to the point where you can taste it just a little bit.

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