Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Looking Into The Different Treatment Measures For Trigeminal Neuralgia


The condition known as Trigeminal neuralgia or Prosopalgia is also referred to as the suicide disease. It is also referred to as the Fothergill's disease. Those who have Trigeminal neuralgia will surely face pain in their face. The trigeminal nerve is a cranial nerve known for having three branches. That is where it got its name from. This includes maxillary nerve, mandibular nerve and the ophthalmic nerve. Damage could be inflicted on one of these nerves. In some cases, it could be all three nerves that become affected. In those periods, treatment has to be more effective. Nerves are involved; therefore, you have to find a very good neurosurgeon to help you with the treatment.
There are some people who would experience pain on both sides of their face once they have Trigeminal neuralgia. In some patients, the pain is more palpable in their ears while some would have the most pain in their cheeks or forehead. The teeth and jaws are also affected at times, while in some cases, the scalp region can also be susceptible to pain. The method or option that would be used to treat the pain would have a lot to do with where the pain is actually being experienced the most. You could experience an episode where one side of your face is besieged with pain. This episode could last for a few seconds. It is possible for you to experience dozens and even hundreds of these episodes of pain that will last for several seconds. All that pain will definitely put a lot of strain and stress on your face. This pain can happen in the form of a cycle. A pattern of pain would become regular in the course of one month. This pain will get more severe over time.
Dealing with simple tasks such as talking, yawning or singing would become truly difficult. Trigeminal neuralgia would also affect how people shave because then they would have to avoid some parts when they are shaving. This is because while some parts of the face will be numb, others will be too sensitive. A lot of pain could result from even the slightest change in air current. If the pain persists for a very long time, immediate attention is needed. Often, people take anticonvulsant drugs and undergo radiosurgeries as treatments. Loud pitch noise or even hard chewing can aggravate the pain. These pain attacks will be like the pain felt during an explosion or an electric shock. One end of the trigeminal nerve will be where the pain will start to creep.
If left unchecked, the pain will spread to the extremities over time. The trigeminal nerve is considered to be a crucial nerve in the body. It is involved in sensory nerve jobs like helps in tactition and thermoception. This is a nerve that is also concerned with some motor controls. When you chew, the muscles you use are going to be connected to this nerve. That is the main reason why a lot of pain and agony will be involved when a person with Trigeminal neuralgia tries to chew something. The entire jaw line will face the pain.
The effect will be lesser if there is short term compression. However, demyelination would be the result in the case of long term compression. The effect would also extend to the axon potential. If a person is having a problem with multiple sclerosis, Trigeminal neuralgia is also a possibility. It is also possible for people with postherpetic neuralgia to have Trigeminal neuralgia. Though it cannot be controlled, you can easily manage it.
Recommended Links: Treatment Of Trigeminal Neuralgia

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