When trying to generate more money with affiliate programs many people have taken to establishing their own blogs. Of course, if you want your blog to hit your objectives you will need to know how to get the attention of the various search engines. To get this website traffic of course, your blog pages must be optimized for the search engines. This is the advantage of the "Wordpress SEO Beast", it is a plug in that takes you step by step to make certain your blog page is perfectly optimized for your keyword.
This particular plug in will in reality check out your H1, H2 and H3 tags and let you know what can be improved. This is something that most types of so called SEO plug ins don't do. Furthermore, as it is deemed an SEO plug in, that is actually what your goal is.
This plug in will in addition go through and automatically change the format of the font for you and that means you don't have to worry about changing it. The search engines want to see words which are underlined and bold and even italicized because it tells the search engines what your post is all about. This also implies that you will no longer have to go back through the post and make these types of changes yourself. And because this is all done for you, you won't need to waste your time.
I am sure you have in addition heard about how critical keyword density is for your website. Rather than trying to figure it all out yourself this particular plug-in will tell you just what your keyword density is. At this point you can merely make a few adjustments to your content to get your keyword density perfect.
Proper keyword positioning is another thing this plug in shows you just how to perfect. By placing your keywords where they ought to be on your site is also a way to start getting much better rankings for those keywords. This will let you recognize if you have overlooked any crucial places where your keyword needs to be included.
Then of course you'll figure out how to correctly place links inside of your post. This is a system that almost any expert in SEO teaches as well as utilizes themselves. This system is provided with this plug in saving you a ton of money that you would be forced to pay an expert to learn.
And lastly you will receive an over all score on a 1 to 10 scale that tells you how well your page is set up. Which is really a good thing because if you get yourself a score of 7 the plug in will show you what needs to be changed to get the 10.
Out of all the SEO plug ins which have hit the market this one has more features than a lot of them. This is a plug in that is very helpful and also very economical for most men and women, selling at just $37. This is actually an incredible price for a wordpress plug-in that will do so much for your SEO efforts. The good thing is that if you are unhappy with the plug-in in any way, you can take advantage of their 60 day money back guarantee.
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Sunday, June 24, 2012
For Those Who Have Not Really Heard Of The Wordpress SEO Beast We Will Be Going Over It In This Article
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