Monday, May 21, 2012

Kinds of tyres available in the market

A wide variety of tyre options is seen at Hastings tyres and wheels. A study in the compatibility of different vehicles needs to be studied with tyres in Hastings. Recommendations of vehicle manufacturers should be complied with for optimum tyre performance as well as being familiar with the vehicles tyres. Tyres can vary in optimal performance according to weather conditions and vehicle type. All-season tyres have round the year traction and tread wear longevity and are used in cars. Better rating for speed, handling and braking are seen in sports cars when performance tyres are used. All-terrain tyres are required for off-road traction adding more value to tyres that can take more load, speed and sizes in trucks.

Extra treads and sipes offer better grip on snow and ice and rubber that retains flexibility even in freezing temperatures give winter tyres their edge. Softer rubber compound and more sipes and treads help M&S or Mud and Snow tyres navigate slick and uneven surfaces in Wintry countries. Snow tyres though similar to them are different in that their tyre material is softer, different in tread pattern, cannot be used on dry surface and must be dismantled during summer. To give a firm grip in formidable conditions like icy and stormy weather certain modifications on snow tyres have to made using removable metal studs for lighter vehicles that dig into the ice surface and tyre chains for heavier vehicles on a temporary basis.

Crucial to understanding individual tyre requirement is determining the rating factors like purpose, cost and design factors like height, weight, type, rims and speed rating which can avoid possible low mileage, bumpy rides and even tyre burst mishaps. Traditionally drivers used snow tyres on only rear and front sides of the vehicle but for better performance of all-wheel drive feature, traction and braking, it is advised to use them on all four sides.

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